

"The Jane Hibbard Idema Women's Studies Center is a true asset - not only as a vehicle for education, leadership, and empowerment for women students of 十大赌博正规平台在线, 但对整个社区来说."

Marie Wilson, White House 项目 Director and Author,  "Closing the Gap, Why Women 能够而且必须帮助管理世界”

The 简·希巴德·艾德玛妇女与性别研究中心 prepares students to become catalysts for change and voices for feminist ideals, both in our society and around 全球.

The 简·希巴德·艾德玛妇女与性别研究中心 serves as a community resource for women's and gender issues, promoting awareness of these issues through its programs and curriculum and empowering students and community members to become advocates for 性别平等和社会正义.

We situate “feminist ideals” within an intersectional theoretical framework that sees 身份(性别、种族、阶级、性、能力等).)和不平等制度 and privilege (sexism, racism, white supremacy, colonialism, homophobia, ableism, 等.)相互构成和相互关联. 倡导性别平等和 social 正义 means calling equally for racial 正义, economic 正义, environmental 正义. We stand with those who condemn and speak out against systemic racism, structural 暴力和种族不公正. 我们致力于节目的多样性和反种族主义, and to our ongoing learning and self-reflexivity to build a just, equitable, and sustainable 世界.

The 简·希巴德·艾德玛妇女与性别研究中心 supports its mission through 它的方案编制活动和学术课程.

  • Offers an academic program, the 妇女与性别研究 Minor.
  • 提供学生实习计划. 欲了解更多信息,请与妇女协会联系 和性别研究中心在AB 263-265
  • 只支持十大赌博登录官网 暑期实习项目
  • 赞助商 定期活动及讲座
  • Acts as a clearinghouse for information about services available for women. 联系中心 了解更多信息.
  • Offers literature, books, and videos about women and gender issues. 可用于 students to borrow from the Jane Hibbard Idema Women’s and Gender Studies Center 图书馆 在AB 263-265
  • 支持女性在人生各个阶段的学业成长.
  • 主办 性别、身份和性行为研讨会, formerly known as the Resourceful Women Conference, an interdisciplinary academic 关于女性、性别和身份认同的大学生会议.
  • 赞助商的 性别研究社,一个学生组织.
  • Is affiliated with GET (Girls Empowering Together), an after-school leadership program for high school girls, with students and faculty from the Departments of Education 社会学、妇女与性别研究.
  • Offers innovative, interdisciplinary courses such as the Sister Story Oral History 项目 

The initial interest in developing a Women's Studies program at Aquinas began in the 1980年秋天(Kozal, 1994). 当时,一小群女性——简·希巴德·艾德玛, Sister Yvonne Greiner, and Betty Jennings - recognized the need for broadening the curriculum to include topics and concerns that were relevant to women. 在某种程度上, observations stemmed from their personal experiences with the Encore Program, which 是为返校的非传统女学生准备的吗.

Additionally, however, their ideas to develop courses in women's studies coincided with larger educational transformations that were occurring nationally in the United 各州对第二波妇女运动的反应. 的正式结构 courses in Women's Studies were becoming increasingly visible nationwide.

At Aquinas, the impact of such educational changes was reflected in a move to formalize 提供妇女研究课程的结构. 随后是女子比赛 Studies Cognate成立于1983年(Kozal, 1994)。. 它的创立涉及Sister 伊冯娜·格雷纳,南希·弗卢默菲尔特修女,还有. Michaeleen凯利. 妇女研究 Cognate, a voluntary effort of women faculty, hosted many events including guest lectures, films, concerts, and workshops, including Aquinas’ first women’s  film festival, organized 1985年由Michaeleen凯利担任导演(Kelly, 2016).

Once the academic program was established it became important to designate a space where women could come at Aquinas to ask questions, receive guidance, and feel welcome. 妇女研究中心成立于1986年.

2000年,玛丽·卡洛琳·“Twink”弗雷和詹姆斯·E. 麦凯慷慨地捐了一笔捐款 which enables the Center to provide wonderful services and programs to the Aquinas 社区和大急流城地区年复一年.

Kozal,帕特丽夏. 1994(3月). "庆祝十大赌博正规平台在线妇女研究十周年." 通讯.

On November 3, 2000, the Jane Hibbard Idema Women's Studies Center was re-named in honor of Jane Hibbard Idema for her work with the Encore for Women Program at Aquinas, which was designed to meet the needs of women returning to school. 简早期的兴趣 in helping women improve the condition of their lives led to her involvement with a small group of women at Aquinas who together established the Women's Studies Center in 1986.

2000年以后,在李博士的带领下. Susan Haworth-Hoeppner,中心带来 highly visible programming and nationally- and internationally- recognized speakers to West Michigan, often in coordination with the West Michigan Women's Studies Council, including Margaret Attwood, Judy Chicago, Margaret Cho, Eve Ensler, Barbara Ehrenreich, and Molly Ivins, as well as Nicholas Kristof, Winona LaDuke, Diane Rehm, Faith Ringgold, Vandana Shiva, Sandra Steingraber等等. The Center continued the tradition of bringing well-recognized speakers on women’s and gender issues to campus through the first two decades of the twenty-first century.

In 2023, following college-wide revisions to the curriculum, the Center’s name changed to reflect the revision of the academic program of Women’s Studies to Women’s and Gender Studies, a shift to greater currency and relevance in the field.

The 简·希巴德·艾德玛妇女与性别研究中心's accomplishments would be 没有以下帮助是不可能的:

玛丽·卡洛琳·弗雷和詹姆斯·E. 麦凯捐赠基金

  • 玛格丽特Idema
  • 凯利Langan-Pfister
  • Kathleen Ley Bruinsma
  • 艾丽丝(范德坎普)16号厅


  • 艾米·邓纳姆·斯特兰德(妇女研究,联合主席)
  • 莫莉·帕特森(政治学联合主席)
  • 丽贝卡·库根(英语)
  • 米歇尔·德罗斯(英语、爱尔兰研究)
  • 珍·伦德鲁姆(社会学)
  • Julie Schatz-Stevens(心理学)


  • 艾米·邓纳姆·斯特兰德(妇女研究,主席)
  • Mariela Aguilar-Solorza(学生)
  • Lynn Atkins-Rykert(商业,研究生课程)
  • 布里吉德·艾弗里(优势中心)
  • Hannah Bechtold(国际项目)
  • Elizabeth Chamberlain (招生, History, and Women's Studies)
  • 埃斯佩兰萨·加西亚(多元化、包容与公平)
  • 格蕾丝·吉鲁(学生)
  • Susan Hojnacki(教育)
  • Michael Ingram(校园事工)
  • 伊丽莎白·莱瓦(学生)
  • 珍·伦德鲁姆(社会学)
  • 艾丽西亚·劳埃德(教务长)
  • 埃斯梅·鲁伊斯(多样性、包容性和公平性)
  • Nisha Van Laar(国际项目)
  • 莫莉·威尔逊(心理学)


  • 艾米·邓纳姆·斯特兰德(妇女研究,主席)
  • 彭妮·艾弗里(通讯)
  • 詹妮弗·道森(英语)
  • 丽贝卡·汉弗莱(生物学)
  • 贝瑟妮·基尔克瑞斯(历史系
  • 珍·伦德鲁姆(社会学)
  • 莫莉·威尔逊(心理学)


  • Stefani Boutelier(教育)
  • Wendy Dean(创新中心高中教师)
  • 艾米·邓纳姆·斯特兰德(妇女与性别研究)
  • 珍·伦德鲁姆(社会学)

GET is co-facilitated by faculty in Aquinas’ Education and Women’s and Gender Studies 部门:斯蒂芬妮·布特利尔和艾米·邓纳姆·斯特兰德

赠送给中心的礼物 are welcome and will be used to support the Jane Hibbard Idema Women's and Gender Studies Center Lecture Series as well as other programmatic efforts at the Center.

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